Citizen Participation
Citizen Participation Enrollment Form
Board Policy BED Local requires that complaints and concerns first be addressed administratively through the Board’s complaint processes, which are set out in Board Policy DGBA Local for employee complaints; FNG Local for student and parent complaints, and; GKB for citizen complaints. These processes allow individuals to address the Board regarding their complaints. The Board Secretary has complaint forms available. The Board has an obligation to protect the confidentiality of information that personally identifies a student. Speakers are welcome to discuss their own student or themselves. Otherwise, the Board cannot permit comments that might identify a student. If an individual or group of individuals becomes disruptive during the Board meeting, the person or group will be given a single warning before being escorted from the meeting. The time allotted to each speaker may vary depending on the number of citizens who have signed up to address the Board. No speaker will be allotted less than one minute. To address the Board during Citizen’s Participation please provide the following information: