Get Involved can change a child's life.

The Conroe Independent School District values the contributions made by its many volunteers who diligently work to support our outstanding students, teachers, and programs.  It is our goal to provide a safe environment for our students and visitors.  If you are interested in volunteering on one of our campuses, please complete the Volunteer Application.

The District will obtain the criminal history record of all prospective volunteers who will be working with students, including, but not limited to camp counselors, mentors, tutors, field trip sponsors, overnight trip sponsors, any volunteers who will have access to student information, and volunteers who work on a regular basis with students.  The background check is strictly confidential and will be processed through the Conroe ISD Human Resources Department.

Campus Volunteer Application

Project Mentor

Project Mentor connects community members with Conroe ISD students to foster meaningful relationships that promote positive youth development so that students can successfully navigate school and life.

Volunteer at the District Level

Target with Pencil

District-Level Planning & Decision-Making Committee

The District-Level Planning & Decision-Making Committee is responsible for providing assistance to the Superintendent in the development, evaluation, and annual revision of the District Improvement Plan. This committee is also responsible for providing assistance to the Superintendent in areas of planning, budgeting, curriculum, staffing patterns, staff development, and school organization.

All membership positions are currently filled. View the DLPDMC website to learn more about their work.

Conroe ISD Map

Attendance Boundary Committee

Conroe ISD continues to be one of the fastest-growing school districts in Texas. With this growth, it periodically becomes necessary to redraw the attendance boundaries of our schools. Conroe ISD's Attendance Boundary Committee (ABC) is comprised of central administration, campus principals, and parent representatives from each feeder zone who develop and propose possible zoning scenarios to present to the community for feedback. These scenarios are then refined based on that feedback and recommended as a zoning plan to the Board of Trustees.

All membership positions are currently filled. View the ABC website to learn more about their work.


Library Materials Reconsideration Committee

The mission of the Conroe ISD school library program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information, enabling them to be life-long learners. Library Services supports student achievement through the acquisition of print, web-based, streaming video, and digital media used in the implementation of Conroe ISD's TEKS-aligned curriculum in all content areas. From time to time, library materials undergo a review. Parents of currently enrolled students, campus administrators, or campus educators who wish to volunteer to serve on a reconsideration committee can complete the Reconsideration Committee Volunteer Form.

Learn More and Apply

Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) Stakeholder Committee

As we prepare to renew our application for participation in the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) program for the 2025-2026 school year, we’d like to invite any interested stakeholders, including teachers, campus leaders, district administrators, and community members to join our Stakeholder Committee! The purpose of the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) is to recruit, retain, and reward exceptional teachers at our highest-need campuses while providing a clear pathway for top educators to move closer to earning six-figure salaries, all while remaining in the classroom.

If you are interested in joining the TIA Stakeholder Committee
sign up here by Friday, February 21, 2025! For more information, contact Terral Jackson, TIA Coordinator, at