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Webster’s Dictionary defines the noun ‘audit’ as “…a methodical examination and review.” As a verb, it means to “…examine with intent to verify.” But here is another view.
- Notice the good things you are doing, and commend you for them;
- Find out about potential problems, hopefully before it’s too late to correct them;
- Evaluate school business situations objectively;
- Consult with you and recommend corrective actions, changes and improvements where needed; and
- Allow you to sleep more soundly, in the end.
We need audits to assist members of the District in the effective discharge of their responsibilities. Internal auditing provides management with analyses, appraisals, recommendations and information concerning the internal control structure and the quality of performance in carrying out assigned activities and established objectives.
Internal controls comprise the plan of organization and all the coordinated methods within an organization to safeguard its assets, verify the accuracy and reliability of its accounting data, promote operational efficiency, and encourage adherence to prescribed managerial policies. Internal controls extend beyond those matters which relate directly to their functions of accounting or finance.
Campuses and departments may be audited for many different reasons. Many audits are scheduled due to a change in management or key staff members. Other audit areas are based on a district-wide risk assessment and are selected due to their higher risk. Being selected for an audit does not mean that you are doing something wrong. Audit reports often commend schools and departments for the fine job they are doing.
There is no easy answer to this question, as each audit’s length will depend on the nature and scope of the review. Small audits might last 10-20 hours while more complex ones can last several weeks.
Absolutely, if you have questions on policies, procedures, or best practices we will be glad to help. In some cases we will know the answer, but if we don’t we will be glad to research the answer to your question, or recommend a person to better help you.