Vision, Hearing, and Spinal Screening
Conroe ISD Health Services, under the guidelines of the Texas Department of State Health Services, provides a screening program for vision and hearing for all students in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th grades and students new to Texas. Spinal screening is conducted for girls in 5th grade and 7th grade and boys in 8th grade. This screening is required by the Texas Department of State Health Services. If you prefer to have this screening done by your family physician, please send the results to the school nurse. Other areas which may be screened include growth and development (height and weight), dental, blood pressure (fourth grade), and pediculosis (head lice).
Please communicate any information regarding a student’s health condition or areas of concern. The clinic staff on each campus welcomes every opportunity to work closely with the parents and students in order to maintain a healthy, safe, and successful school experience.